Introduction to Basic Counselling Skills
Training courses for foster carers
Counselling skills are an integral part of the way in which foster carers communicate and work with children and young people.
The counselling skills contribute to relationships and the development of trust , which enables children and young people to feel understood and helping them find strategies and skills to overcome some of their problems.
This course provides participants with a basic understanding of the counselling skills they may be using already and how to use counselling skills effectively.
The course aims to help participants to respond appropriately to young people who are expressing difficult feelings.
This 1 day course meets the requirements of the Training, Support and Development Standards for foster care: 1(1,2,3,4), 2(1,2,3,4,5), 3(1,4,5), 4(1,2), 5(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), 6(2,3), 7(1,3,4).