Remand Fostering

Training courses for foster carers

Remand Foster Carers specialise in caring and supporting children and young people between the ages of 10 and 18 yrs of age.

This specialised fostering means working with  many challenging behaviours displayed by children and young people who are involved with the youth justice system, due to their anti-social behaviours and criminal activities.

The courts in most cases have remanded the children and young people to the LA care, hence the children being fostered on a remand basis.

In addition to the basic training foster carers have to complete, remand foster carers should be trained and skilled to the variety of issues that relate to the supervision and care of young people involved in the criminal justice system.

This can compromise of managing difficult and challenging behaviour, including the prevention of absconding, anti-social, self-harming and risk taking behaviours  and assisting young people to meet the requirements of the court.

They should also be given specific training and guidance on practice based issues such as acting as the appropriate adult, depending on the requirement of the role.

This 1 day course meets the requirements of the Training, Support and Development Standards for foster care: 2.2 a, b, 2.6 a, c, 3.1 b, 3.2 a, 4.5 b, 6.1 a, b, 6.2 b, c, d