Sexuality, Sexual Health & Sexual Development

Training courses for foster carers

Young people in the care system may be more likely to become sexually
active, and will need additional support to develop healthy sexual and romantic relationships.

Alcohol or drug abuse can be linked to sexual risk-taking. The provision of clear, age appropriate boundaries around sexual and leisure activities, access to information and services, and active involvement of foster carers and staff in the care of young people will help to protect Looked After Children from making personal choices that could place them at risk.

This course focuses on a number of issues associated to sex and provides guidance and discussion on the sensitive issues.

This 1 day course meets the requirements of the Training, Support and Development Standards for foster care: 1.4 Confidentiality & Information Sharing, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 Understanding Health, 4.1 Encouraging Communication, 4.4 & 6.4 Communicating With Organisations, 5.6 Understanding Contexts, 5.7 Promoting Sexual Health, 6.1 Child Protection Legislation, 7.1 Your role as a foster carer

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