Understanding The Therapeutic Needs Of Abused Children

 Training courses for foster carers

Children who are looked after have more emotional and mental health needs, as well as more behavioural difficulties than most children. Their difficulties usually start before they become looked after.

Research on children who have experienced trauma, in early life, including disrupted attachments, suggests that this may cause neurological damage.

Research has shown that foster care which offers stability, security and a good relationship can help young people to develop and mature emotionally.

This 1 day course meets the requirements of the Training, Support and Development Standards for foster care:

1.2   Equality, Inclusion and Anti – Discriminatory Practice, 1.3   Person – Centred Approaches, 1.4   Confidentiality and Sharing Information, 2.4c Team Working, 3.3a Healthy Care and Medication, 4.1   Encourage communication, 4.2   Knowing about communication, 4.4   Communication with organisations, 4.5   Principles of keeping good records, ,Standards 5.1-5.4, 5.6-5.7, Understand the Development of Children and Young People